trump knew that and we know it from the contents of hunter biden s laptop. but joe biden, as you may h recall, did not even respond. that s russian disinformation, he said. and then he went on the offense. disi your tax returns, biden. demand it. show us your tax returns. and of course, trump refused. biden, by contrast, already set up a website called joe biden .com to showcase his own recent tax returns because he had nothing to hide. unlike donald trump, you coulduo trusu t joe biden. m that was the message. now, whyy ar are we telling yout this tonight? why are we dredging up history when we re doing it? because two years later, the roles have reversed in a bewildering and pretty remarkable and kind ofwa hilarious way. so wey. now have donald trump s tax returns. house democrats grab them law and precedent and privacy be privacy and they release i them to the public becausead donald trump is orange and bad and has no protections under the bill of rights. so now that w
fair question, but no one in the media seems interested in finding the answer. seed iwe do know that during th same period, 2016 to twenty eighteen, there was a lot of weird accounting going on at joe biden s house in delaware, the same house where yet another cache of classified e sadocuments was just found, yt another in 2018 hunter biden was looking to rent property in california on a backgroundcali check form. as part of his rental application, hunter biden claimeimed thad that in fact, h the delaware house that joe biden, his dad, says thatys he owned. so they re both claiming to own the same house. hunter biden then also listed le the address of that house as his primaryd residence on hs driver s license. an official government document .y reside now, this is the very same home where joe biden has spent a third of his presidency ine addition to his beach house in rehoboth, without maintaining any visitor logs. now, this is worth knowing, and we don t know this because the new yor