people died. the v.a., benghazi, fast and furious. he pulled out of iraq, let isis take over a third of that country, the death toll is still mounting. we don t want to scandal because weec have the coverups. hillary smashing blackberries, bleaching her server. lois lerner pleading the fifth. if there is not a court of, we covering up? we know that taking the fifth amendment does not mean you are what about smashing the blackberry with a hammer? i ve never smashed her phone but we all w admitted the privae server was a mistake. mistake or crime? i believe mistake. sean: isn t a felony to mishandle and destroyed classified information? that is certainly what i have heard on your show. if y it wasn t a clinton, tht person would have been locked up. how much will these obama scandals cost us? the fields website was a billion. the caps to the radium,