Realme’s Indian branch has announced that Bollywood superstar, Shah Rukh Khan (SRK), will be the brand ambassador for their smartphone category. The company unveiled its new ambassador through social media handles and a post on its community page. The post on the company’s website read, “Hey, realme fans. Get ready to witness #TheNextLeap as the king of Bollywood, the one and only SRK, transforms from reel to real! Brace yourselves for an electrifying journey with our very own Dare To Leap Pioneer! Welcome aboard, our sensational new brand ambassador. Get ready to experience the power of #realmeXsrk and witness how #SRKDaresToLeap to new heights! Cheers!” From reel to real, @iamsrk is ready to take #TheNextLeap as our Dare To Leap Pioneer! Hello new brand ambassador. #realmeXsrk #SRKDaresToLeap Know more: — realme (@realmeIndia) May 25, 2023 By partnering with SRK, the five-year-old brand aims to showcase