Shares of INVESCO Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc (LON:IPU – Get Free Report) passed above its fifty day moving average during trading on Friday . The stock has a fifty day moving average of GBX 420.43 ($5.27) and traded as high as GBX 420.81 ($5.28). INVESCO Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust shares […]
Napoleon Bonaparte's fascination with the Orient, especially India, spurred his ambition to challenge Britain's hold on the subcontinent. Despite forming diplomatic treaties with the likes of Persia and Russia, Napoleon faced significant challenges in his quest to conquer India.
INVESCO Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc (LON:IPU – Get Free Report) declared a dividend on Wednesday, October 11th, Upcoming.Co.Uk reports. Investors of record on Thursday, November 9th will be paid a dividend of GBX 3.85 ($0.05) per share on Friday, December 8th. This represents a yield of 0.98%. The ex-dividend date of this […]