Xiaomi has officially launched the 11T Pro 5G smartphone today in India. The device had debuted globally in September last year along with the Xiaomi 11T phone. Xiaomi 11T Pro 5G Launched in India at Rs 39,999; Now Available for Online Sale.
The smartphone will also pack a 120W fast charger inside the box. The device will feature a punch-hole design display with a 120Hz refresh rate with 108MP Triple Pro Cameras. Get more Mobiles News and Business News on Zee Business.
According to the dedicated microsite, this upcoming smartphone will have a 10-bit AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 5G processor will be present in this phone.
Xiaomi, the Chinese phone maker, is all set to launch the 11T Pro smartphone today in India. The launch event will commence at 12 noon and will be streamed live via Xiaomi India s official YouTube and other social media accounts. 📲 Xiaomi 11T Pro 5G Launching Today in India, Watch LIVE Streaming Here.