malpractice one bright spot. we discussed russia s aggression toward he ukraine, reaffirmed our share belief in the threat or use of nuclear weapons is totally unacceptable. strongest condemnation of russia s posture in ukraine we have heard from china albeit from biden s mouth the same kay biden s cia director bill burns turkey consequences if russia uses nuclear weapons in the first high level in person meeting since the invasion. in ukraine, president zelenskyy hailing russia s retreat from kherson as a sign. this is the beginning of the end of the war. one new promise, biden tried to elicit from xi reign in nuclear s nuclear aggression by framing it as a mutual interest and say going the trajectory continues the u.s. will have to step up its presence in the region and it would be, quote, in china s face. bret? bret: jacqui, meantime here at home, a federal appeals court