Forget losing your job to robots, Scientists have created robots that can reproduce. 'Xenobots' are capable of 'self-replicating' themselves. They are made up of stem cells taken from frogs. Astounded? Watch this report by Palki Sharma for the details.
No April Fools Day Joke: Scientists Endow Living Frog-Cell Robots With Recordable Memory
Sputnik International
These itsy-bitsy robots, dubbed xenobots , made headlines last January, becoming the first-ever artificial creatures made from biological tissues - in particular stem cells of the frog species Xenopus laevis that gave the synthetic organisms its name.
A team of computer scientists from the University of Vermont has once again joined efforts with biologists from Tufts University, Massachusetts to upgrade the so-called xenobots - first-ever living robots made of frog cells with the ability to self-organise, self-heal and perform certain tasks. (Natural News) Researchers created the first living, self-healing robots using stem cells from frogs. Named “xenobots” after the African clawed frog (
Xenopus laevis) from which the stem cells were taken, the machines look like tiny blobs of wiggling pink flesh.
“These are novel living machines,” said Joshua Bongard, a professor of computer science at the
University of Vermont (UVM) and one of the study researchers.
“They’re neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal. It’s a new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism,” Bongard added.
How xenobots were made
The xenobots are less than a millimeter wide, which is small enough for them to be able to travel inside human bodies. They can scuttle and swim, survive for weeks without food and work together in groups.