Mr Xavier Lee, who runs Flourcrafts from his home, welcomes this friendly competition which he sees as healthy but said uplifting each other is also important. A lot of us say #SupportLocal but I think I would have to add this hashtag #SupportOneAnother, said Mr Lee, who is known for his canalés.
He was speaking at an askST @ NLB session hosted by The Straits Times Food Editor Tan Hsueh Yun that was broadcast on Friday (Dec 18).
Together with Ms Karen Yuen, who is the founder of Munch-Kins, they discussed how home-based food businesses can support each other and do well.
that very question is what the supreme court begins to struggle with in arguments scheduled for tomorrow morning. is this cruel and unusual punishment that violates the u.s. constitution? this is a case of a 14-year- old sentenced to prison for life with absolutely no chance of parole. only on 9, gary nurenberg talks tonight with the daughter of the man that 14-year-old killed. reporter: cole cannon was 52 when evan miller and his friend repeatedly broke into his trailer. he robbed my father. went over there and stole baseball cards. went back over there at a later time and viciously beat him with his fists and with a bat, with blood going everywhere. and then sat three or four places of origin, set it on fire to cover up with he did. reporter: but cole wasn t dead when the flames began to spread. he died as a result of about six to eight broken ribs, a blunt force trauma to the head, in combination with the smoke inhalation from the fire. reporter: this is mill
what did we learn on the show tonight, craig? [meow] [laughter] craig: we have to go. it is time for us to go away to a secret place where we like to lie down and go to bed. not together. [laughter] geoff: no way. [laughter] craig: nope. [laughter] good night, everybody. [laughter] good night, everybody. good night.let s get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i m late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete s pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete s mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so. yeah, you ve got a little. yep, i can feel the wet patch. don t look at it. when it s on your mind, it s on ebay. an investigation into a local police department suggests quotas for arrests and tickets. only on 9, the document that just might prove it. also, a middle school wants to give out free condoms to seventh graders. plus, 9 wants to know, should a 14-year-old ever be