KINGSTON, Jamaica To ensure that all high rise buildings of 10 floors and over in the Corporate Area are structurally sound, the Building and Town Planning Committee of the Kingston and St Andrew Mu.
Jovan Johnson/Senior Staff Reporter
A multimillion-dollar three-storey apartment on Birdsucker Drive in upper St Andrew was illegally approved and constructed, the Supreme Court has ruled, opening the door for demolition considerations. Justice Georgiana Fraser Thursday overturned the building and environmental approvals for the development, declaring that the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) and the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) broke the law in granting them. “The construction at 17 Birdsucker Drive is not supported by any legal authorisation,” read a section of the 84-page judgment which is a major victory for residents of the upscale neighbourhood who took the matter to court in 2018.