preaching, discrimanatory. jonathan hunt has been tracking the developments. we have seen these debates at schools across the country. the question always similar. when is it too early to begin teaching children about sexual identity? is it the job of parents of teachers? should stories featuring gay characters be banned? prince and knight is no more about gay sex than cinderella and know white are about heterosexual sex. parents should have the right for those topics. reporter: on one side of the debate, parents who argued scho schools have gone too far encouraging young children to question their own sexuality. how can they accept a very young child can diagnose themselves without professional help as one trapped in their own body and start thinking with aggressive treatment and hormones that can change their lives forever when we don t allow them to do much less drinking. reporter: the debate over sexual education in schools has sparked violence outside those s
fired from st. phillips for teaching gender is determined by x and y chromosomes. new form of ozempic is showing promising results. weight loss is hard, hope is eternal, there ask some easy new way. we begin with this, president biden dismissing claims he knew about his son s overseas business dealings. brian: administration facing pushback after his son appeared at a state dinner last week. steve: catch up with alexandria hoff live with the latest. alexandria: the president s relationship is close enough with his son to bring him to a state dinner but not close enough to ever discuss business. jacqui heinrich pressed the president on that last part. [indiscernible] alexandria: it sounded like a no. a what s app message showed the younger biden claiming to be sitting right next to his father while negotiating with a chinese business associate. have you ever spoken to your son about overseas business dealings. i ve never spoken to my son about overseas busine
not have authority over our territory. we are going to have a new sheriff in town on january 20th, 2025. bret: central u.s. facing heat advisories well above triple digits to 118-degrees. if there is a sign of dehydration 100 moms red to jump on it. tigers win, tigers win the national championship is headed back to baton rouge. brian: all right. we begin with this. president biden, once again, adamantly denying claims that he knew about his is son s hunter biden overseas business dealings. does anyone believe that at this point. steve: the administration receiving pushback after hunter biden s appearance at white house state dinner while facing criminal charges a bad look some say. ainsley: alexandria hoff is live from washington with more. good morning. the president is having to answer to a lot of things right now. namely whether he knew about his son s business dealings, ever talking about it with him. that was detailed in 2017 whatsapp message allege that
big threat to all of us. it s a great read. always good to have you on. thank you. the san diego council voted 5-4 to give final approval to the unsafe camping ordinance. the new measure is a home less street camping ban ta prohibits all public spaces if shelter beds are available. it also bans encampments at all times in certain sensitive areas like parks, transit station and near schools. a biology teacher was fired by saying you re identified by x and y chromosomes. which sport would be the funniest if there was mandatory alcohol. would you participate? not a recommendation. just a question. let us know on twit rter and
launching a campaign to . whether war or business are america needs conservative leaders. she he is looking town seat the incumbent democrat in 2024 if that sean seat gets slipped big to take back the upper chamber. long time college biology professor says he was fired for teaching students that gender is determined by x and y chromosomes. students reportedly stormed out and complained about the lesson according to lawyer was let go from saint phillips college in san antonio for what the school cause religious and scream that tore comments no word yet from the college if that is going to happen. is he a biology professor.