a dozen states are bracing for a new powerful storm developing this week. ainsley: it comes days after another massive system that spawned 76 reported tornadoes left dozens of people dead. brian: fox weather correspondent max gorden joins us live from arkansas with the latest. max? the heartland is bracing for yet another round of severe weather. not what folks here in wynn, arkansas need. you can see the destruction right behind me after an ef 3 tornado tore through a small town of 8,000 people killing four this after/rolled. three pethousands of flights hae canceled or delayed because of the severe weather. little rock, arkansas got hit with ef 3 on friday with 165 mile-per-hour winds in a path of destruction that went on for
support to states reeling from deadly storms this weekend that claimed at least 32 lives. more than 50 confirmed tornadoes touched down in 14 states. this morning the loss and devastation is almost immeasurable in places like tennessee, indiana and arkansas. nbc s emilie ikeda is in lynn, arc sauchlt emilie, what are you seeing on the ground. reporter: you can understand the sheer force of the storm when you consider the size of the trees here toppled over. ahead of the storms, forecasters warned this could be town-altering. this is what happened here in wynn, arkansas this home has been completely reduced to rubble. this morning a colossal cleanup is under way towns from the south to the midwest are facing unimaginable destruction. it comes after a weekend that
Wynn Resorts (NASDAQ:WYNN – Get Rating) had its target price increased by Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft from $128.00 to $134.00 in a research report sent to investors on Wednesday, The Fly reports. They currently have a buy rating on the casino operator’s stock. A number of other research firms have also weighed in on WYNN. Bank […]
Miracle Mile Advisors LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Wynn Resorts, Limited (NASDAQ:WYNN – Get Rating) during the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The institutional investor acquired 2,500 shares of the casino operator’s stock, valued at approximately $206,000. Other […]
make sure they ve reached everyone affect by this terrible some the, the fox weather newsroom actually reporting eight fatalities nation wild in severe weather outbreak with two fatalities here in wynn. i want to show you what s behind me, this is the first united methodist church, the bell tower, unfortunately, take off this church, and what you see in front is the roof of a phloem across the street. of a home across the street. affecting hundreds, if not thousands of structures here. again, two fatalities reported with dozens being sent to area hospitals. we sawen convoys of workers and ambulances doing hair best, still fighting the storms, by the way. i spoke with a woman just as she merged from her home to survey the damage taking her first look around. ache a listen. windy and then i got in the basement. i heard, like, a loud washing