Brinker International, Inc. (NYSE:EAT – Get Rating) shares reached a new 52-week low on Thursday after Citigroup lowered their price target on the stock from $40.00 to $27.00. Citigroup currently has a neutral rating on the stock. Brinker International traded as low as $24.21 and last traded at $24.64, with a volume of 9738 shares […]
Brinker International, Inc. (NYSE:EAT – Get Rating) was the target of a large decline in short interest in May. As of May 15th, there was short interest totalling 3,900,000 shares, a decline of 26.0% from the April 30th total of 5,270,000 shares. Approximately 9.0% of the company’s stock are short sold. Based on an average […]
Equities analysts forecast that Brinker International, Inc. (NYSE:EAT – Get Rating) will announce $1.02 billion in sales for the current quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Nine analysts have made estimates for Brinker International’s earnings. The highest sales estimate is $1.04 billion and the lowest is $1.00 billion. Brinker International posted sales of $1.01 billion during […]