talk twice as long a long waiting list of vice president. harris serves as president of the senate. wae was here just a few minutes . she has left in order to execute this nuclear option, you need fifty one votes. here s the problem. democrats only have 50 votes on their joe manchin and kirsten . ntiment will vote no so even if they were here to vote yes, then you would need kamela kamala harris to break the tie. she s not here, which indicates they don t have the votes to make this one time change to pass the voting rights bill here in the senate. so it will fail as . thank you for being with us, chad. appreciate it. now joe biden absolutely humiliated himself and frankly the country today it s sad touting an agenda failing. and here s how former president trump reacted. he did. an interview earlier e on the greatar on mark levin s radio show. take a listen. i imagine you saw most oft this press conference and i did and joe biden said he s had enormous progress during his pres
over the country almost with a bloodless coup, instead the ukrainians fought back and fought back hard. and then that sort of played to another modern russian army weakness. sorry? yeah, no, go ahead. tell me what that is. and the other modern russian army weakness is the modern russian army doctrine is not to invade other countries but is in fact a form of active defense. that is lets opponents attack russia just like napoleon did and just like hitler did and try and space the time so they would do a fighting withdrawal. so the modern russian army doesn t have all the defensive systems necessary into a well defended country. so you ve got the wrong arm wae with the wrong doctrine. and the intelligence and the hubris of the russian leadership
it s what is needed now, not the words, the deed. we need to go from words to deeds and how more we can assist ukraine and how more we can booster the defense capabilities of entire eastern flank. thank you for coming in. thank you for your work here and safe travels on your way back. thank you very much. up next, the highlights so far as confirmation hearings are officially under way for judge ketanji brown jackson. under wae ketanji brown jackson.
0 an ultimate vote on that. there had been a debate just about over the past couple of hours, a lot of discussion about whether or not they can end th the debate itself about moving forward with m a vote a on the filibuster. yes. and we also know that it s not going to pass ultimately, tucker,,lt no, it s not. kyrsten sinema a hero suddenlyev the minds of many the greatat kevin kirk, thanks for that . good to see you tonight , johnow . entities over now. all right.nk and thank you talk and welcome to hannity and after days and days and days ofay resting, studying, prepping, joe bidenn finally trotted out to the podium for just to the secod solo press conference ever as president and as expected did nott, go well at all. in fact, it was the longestkl frankly mosty painful, even embarrassing presser i ve ever witnessed. no doubt he still has lucid moments here and there, but more often than not, joe is clearly lost . he is confused, especiallyn prompter, frankly,th knowing the world is w
dp groups or public groups i m often asked these cable folks and the talk radio hosts, do they mean what they say? now i m looking at those texts versus the way this has been handled thereafter. what would your answer to that question be? so here s the deal. what they were doing that night and thereafter was spinning for republicans, right? they were saying, oh, well, maybe it was antifa. actually, the election was a mess. and then eventually we would end one patriot purge stuff that tucker carlson did and all of these things. on the one hand you could say they were functioning as an arm of the republican party. but what you could really say is that what they re advising for the republican party isn t even good for republicans. the right thing for republicans to have done on january 6th was to take a step back. uh-oh, what did we do? this got way out of hand, but that s not good for tv. that s not good for revenue. if you say to people things have gotten out of hand here, we need to