A new memorial pavilion honoring Camp Rimini will be dedicated on Saturday, September 16 at 12:00 p.m. at the site of the original camp off Rimini Road.
EXCLUSIVE: Her execution by the Germans on charges of espionage inflamed the Empire, drove recruitment in two world wars and has divided experts ever. Now the nurse s courageous double-life as an agent can finally be revealed.
Hill Air Force personnel have determined a World War II-era bomb dug up by Provo excavation crews to pose no threat and was safely disposed of Tuesday afternoon. No threat was found to the public.
BAGUIO CITY: Some 165 bike enthusiasts braved the rains brought by Tropical Storm Hanna and the enhanced southwest monsoon to complete the first Victory Day bike ride coinciding with the celebration of Victory Day here on Sunday.
THERE are many cliches about cats, but none more enduring and endearing than the nine lives they are said to have. With regards to this, it has been said over the last 70-plus years that a cat named "Unsinkable Sam" survived the sinking of three ships he'd been on – a battleship, a destroyer and an aircraft carrier.