of his friends and who genuinely loves his work. adam when you and i first met at that diner with my wild punk hair, i mean, we just laughed and we connected. and i knew that we were cinematic soulmates like hepburn and tracy. it s so funny . you say that drew ah, because just didn t really last week at our press junket. didn t someone compare us to bogey? and bacall? was it? nicholson may who said that? anyway, back to adam. your career has stood the test of time, my friend. i am so grateful that our chance meeting at jerry s deli lead us to such an incredible relationship of on screen and off 30 years ago. yes. that s nice. another great thing about my very close. longtime friend and
rotten tomatoes score of 59. you could say that. i know adam pretty well. and yet i ve had to sit here and listen to speaker after speaker talk about what a great guy here what a mensch! how nice he is. so let me tell you the truth about adam sandler. he s actually very nice. you know who else is very nice. my mailman. but my mailman ain t getting no mark twain prize. so there must be something beyond niceness going on here. and i believe it to be the dirtiest four letter word and show business w. o r k you see during our college years while the rest of us were doing colleges, things adam was maniacally crafting his stand up act first in the little clubs near n y. u finally getting good enough to play the uptown clubs.
drew barrymore. things that success is a truth serum that achieving your goals and being on top will bring out who you truly are. and hollywood . that can be a very scary thing . not like here in washington, where, regardless of their success, everyone s just scary. but with adam success has shown what a true gem he is. yes he s just joyful. he s silly. someone who leads with kindness takes care of his friends and who genuinely loves his work. adam when you and i first met at that diner with my wild punk hair, i mean, we just laughed and we connected. and i knew that we were cinematic soulmates like hepburn and tracy. ah! it s so
so, these are all kids who live in the area? yeah. absolutely. wow, so, little. music and play isn t just about having fun, it s about helping kids grow. why have a toy library? it s the idea that toys and play enhances learning. a very simple idea i ve been that s been studied over the 100 years. play have a with children? it changes the brain. at the work wo programs in haiti, it s not just orphans, all disadvantaged kids are welcome. when is the last time you played like this? this is 3-year-old ja venue that, her father abandoned her and her mother works as a volunteer with ww ork.
welcome. when is the last time you played like this? this is 3-year-old ja venue that, her father abandoned her and her mother works as a volunteer with ww ork. she s not enrolled in preschool, this toy library is where she learns. when we first meet her, she s quiet. you want to try the wow. but after using the blocks to play she becomes animated and engaged. oh, no. she has a little attachment going on. she s very sweet. i like your hair. yeah, see, this is what you have going on right now. you were successful in communing with her and getting her