intervrviewer 20: : taylor swiws making bigig news thisis morni. she s brininging her m music baback to strereaming servrvi. lisa respepers france:e: she ud her platatform to bebe able to p other artitists. emily y st. james:s: she has bn araround for a almost 20 y ys atat this poinint. and oh my y god, i m o old. she hahas had so m many didifferent fefeuds and soso y differenent controveversies. kanynye west: i i mma let t you finishsh. emilily st. jamemes: fighghts she hasas waged. cari chahampion: likike, i me, literalllly, the attttorney genl is now i investigatiting tickcketmaster bebecause the e swifties couldn t t get theirir ticket. you knowow what i memean? ifif you want t to get sosomething done, get it d done with t taylor and the swswifties. tataylor swiftft: i m stilill se who isis the firstst to apologe when i i m wrong.. bubut i think k i m betterert ststanding up p for myselflf n i ve b been wrongeged. lisa resespers francnce: team tr veversus team everybody else. the l
and it s shows that t she has s unbelievabable power.. shirirley halpererin: which h sd didn t payay the creatators fai, which is t true. as a s songwriter r advocate, ,s really donone tremendodous wo. intervrviewer 20: : taylor swiws making bigig news thisis morni. she s brininging her m music baback to strereaming servrvi. lisa respepers france:e: she ud her platatform to bebe able to p other artitists. emily y st. james:s: she has bn araround for a almost 20 y ys atat this poinint. and oh my y god, i m o old. she hahas had so m many didifferent fefeuds and soso y differenent controveversies. kanynye west: i i mma let t you finishsh. emilily st. jamemes: fighghts she hasas waged. cari chahampion: likike, i me, literalllly, the attttorney genl is now i investigatiting tickcketmaster bebecause the e swifties couldn t t get theirir ticket. you knowow what i memean? ifif you want t to get sosomething dodone, get it d done with t taylor and the swswifties. tataylor swiftft: i m stilill se
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since been released on bond. heartbroken. there is no words that can express the hurt this incident cause mid family. reporter: the police chief vowing to thoroughly investigate. dana griffin, nbc news. still ahead tonight, some wild video from a cruise ship. violent winds sending passengers running for their lives. plus, a mystery in the ocean. what is killing what is killing modederate to sesevere eczema ststill disrupupts my skini. despspite treatmtment it disisrupts my s skin with i . it d disrupts mymy skin withth . it disisrupts my s skin with i . but now, i i can disrurupt eca with rininvoq. rinvnvoq is not t a steroid, totopical, or r injection.. it s o one pill, o once a da. many takaking rinvoqoq sasaw clear it s o one pill, o once a da. or almost-t-clear skinin while sosome saw up p to 100%0% clear skikin. and, thehey felt draramatic and fafast itch rerelief someme as early y as 2 days. ththat s rinvovoq relief..
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