here. you heard alex s piece damaging information against dr. fauci and concerning article in the u.s. post by miranda devine about how anthony fauci commission paper in february 2020. let s remember the timeline here, february we didn t start having impacts until march 2020. the goal of this paper was to disprove the lab leak theory. even that early on. shouldn t that be one question in these hearings this week? thank you very much for having me this morning. i think what is top of mind is how did this virus originate? out of this pandemic originate? what is allowed to spread? what we certainly know is it was made in china with the wuhan lab, what have you, it was definitely made in china. the chinese communist regime did little to stop the international
to angrily deny the lab leak theory and condemn it as a sign of phobic slur. which would have a lot more weight if china didn t have a record of suppressing information and silencing covid whistle blowers. over time, more and more evidence has suggested that a lab leak theory can t be dismissed including intelligence report that wuhan lab workers got sick from an unspecified illness in november of 2019. shortly before public reports of a local infection. and may 21, the washington post offered a helpful time line on, quote, how the wuhan lab leak theory became credible. that biden administration intelligence assessment came back with a mixed bag with most agencies saying there wasn t enough evidence to determine a lab leak. director chris ray doubled down on just yesterday. on the flip side, summer of 22, two review articles published in the journal science found the most likely origin is natural transmission through the wet