Rush Said It Before It Was Cool: Covid-19 Leaked from Wuhan Lab
May 20, 2021
BRETT: A great piece of writing from Jim Geraghty over at National Review Online: “The Taboo on the COVID Lab-Leak Theory Lifts.” He notes, “On the menu today: Out of nowhere, it’s seemingly hip and cool to point out the long-obvious fact that SARS-CoV-2,” which is covid-19, “could well be the result of a lab accident in Wuhan. And Politico drives me to do the unthinkable: call for people to get off Kamala Harris’s back.”
That’s a separate concern, but what he notes in this piece is that he’s happy. He’s happy because, “Some of us are COVID-origin hipsters,” who were the people who believed in the “lab-leak theory before it” was cool are starting to be justified. “I’m glad Donald G. McNeil Jr., the prize-winning former science reporter for the New York Times, has concluded that, ‘the argument that [covid-19] could have leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology or a
Print this article Medical workers prepare Moderna’s coronavirus vaccines at a drive-through vaccination site in Robstown, Texas, February 9, 2021.
(Go Nakamura/Reuters)
On the menu today: why the Biden administration’s recent use of the Defense Production Act for vaccines is less than meets the eye, the WHO investigation in Wuhan can’t tell us anything other than it trusts China’s denials of a lab accident, and South Africa decides to start using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Why We Can’t Just ‘Make More Vaccines Faster’
Between impeachment, the congressional wrangling over the relief package, and the Super Bowl, it was easy to miss the Biden administration’s announcement Friday on deciding to invoke the Defense Production Act as the