With focus on new areas such as waste-water technologies, biotech, sustainable agriculture, aerospace engineering, robotics, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, as well as industrial collaborations, India and Sri Lanka on Thursday extended the existing science and technology cooperation for three more years.
Even as India has successfully handed over the BRICS Chair to China from January 2022, it will be hosting five international events through the year, it was decided at the 15th meeting of the BRICS Science Technology Innovation (STI) Steering Committee.
Interviu cu Andrei Ciorba, Networking Solution Architect la S&T RomâniaReporter: Ce aţi învăţat în urma acestei experienţe internaţionale?Andrei Ciorba: Consider că printre "efectele secundare" ale unei astfel de competiţii se numără şi faptul că, în acest context, ai ocazia să iei contact direct cu două aspecte foarte importante ale industriei IT
that s starkey, s-t mr. starkey was helpful, four cuban-americans and another man, james w. mccord. i have nothing more to say. i understand that. what i don t understand is how you got here. there s nothing more mysterious. well, awhile ago, i talked to a couple of lawyers assigned to remit burglars. so. they never would have been assigned to represent the burglars unless burglars and ranged their own counsel, but they didn t because no one made a phone call. if no one asked you here, why are you here? i don t want you taking this personal mr.? woodward. mr. woodward, i just don t have anything to say. your honor, a young man with
correct. that s t joining me, former prosecutor cynthia oxley. let s get into it. can you see a case in the democrats report for obstruction of justice? here is the thing. comey not comey. mccabe is not a credible witness. the department of justice has found that he lied under oath to them when they were asking him questions about leaks. and so to the extent any case relies on mccabe s testimony, it is not going to go forward. now, there is a little nugget in that report which is important. that the conversation is with comey and there are conversations where not only mccabe was listening in but also the general counsel. so that nugget about the obstruction, which mccabe revealed, is important and can be added to the general report. but just any testimony that requires mccabe is probably not going forward and is just a distraction. that s interesting. you are right, absolutely, james