a great president. i don t about polls, but i dow know about winning the races one district at a time and utterly delusional. nancy pelosi says everything is awesome and joe biden s america and the democrats deserve to be rewarded in the midtermrm. meanwhile, back in the real world, the president is setting records again for all the wrong reasons. biden s approval hitting a record low in a new ap poll just 39% of the country thinks s he s doing a good job d. but record inflation is crushing americans wallets and surging gas prices, setting a record for 11 days in a row and are now projected to go up to six dollars this summer. w but the biden administration does want to talk about it. do you believe that gas prices are too high? completely understand the crunch that so many americans are under rightan now think that they re that americans are still recovering from this terrible pandemic and there are a lot of other world t events that areng making things difficult fors all
i have absolutely no intention of losing the midterms this year, she knows something that we don t it s almost like they know they re so screwed that they re just not tryingey anymore and they re just going to throw up s their hands and say, of course and bean in denial because there s nothing else that they can dodsh to turn the ship around at this point they re focused on all the wrong issues. wthey go to talk about things that americans aren t even thinking about at their dinnere tables when they re looking at their budgetsnd. ha and so maybe she knows something that we don t. but the fact that all these democrats are retiring from congress, the fact that republicans have generic ballot numbers that we haven t seen in decades and democrats are losing the very demographics they would say like hispanicsde in texas, for example, they re. leaving the party in droves. so not only are they wrong on the issues, but their party is bleeding voters as well. you know, it s interesting,, jessic