himself well known. i don t see that one, joe. okay. very interesting. no? mark halperin? i think it s a wide open field. i agree, pence has great skills. huntsman can write his own check pep doesn t raise a lot. i wasn t sure about that. john thune. i like john thune, too. gary cooper, midwesterner, conservative. mitch mcconnell brought up his name the other day, said he would be excited about a john thune. so goes mitch mcconnell, so goes western iowa. there it is. mike allen, thanks so much. talk to you later. have a good day. appreciate it. coming up, sarah palin sorry, mika offers her own response to a state of the union address. it s a dandy. think you ll like it. she says there were plenty of, quote, wtf moments. that s going to be news? yes.