On Cancel Culture
Yes, I’m about to go there.
Three weeks ago, meditation teacher Tara Brach nearly ruined her career.
Why? She included a Woody Allen quote in one of her lectures.
The internet mob, ever vengeful and quick, descended on her, fangs out, claws drawn and threatened her with immediate cancellation. People swooned, fainted, were triggered by the mere mention of Woody Allen’s name.
Ms. Brach, ever gentle, promptly made a trembling, tearful apology.
She never meant to cause harm. She was dreadfully, frantically, painfully, horribly sorry to have “inadverntently caused so much pain” by including the quote of a man who probably-we- don’t- know- for –sure- but- honestly- we- think- he- did- abuse his daughter but either way he is creepy and we don’t like him and it is all besides the point because WOODY ALLEN IS CANCELLED.