what kind of soulless freak is john ray clemens? you could sit there hearing all this stuff and take the side of the castrator of children. it s just beyond.e of but matt walsh is the villain. in another hearing, walsh left another tennessee lawmaker, this one called calecb hammer, completely speechless. just curious, your definitiot a if you feel like people are adults at 16 , should people are adults at eighteen. . but actually , they re your your brain is not fully so w developed into your twenty five . so we should be having a conversation about whether we should even be doing the surgery. people at eighteenies to p, but certainly before eighteen. it s absurd. 16 i mean d-yo you, do you think that a sixteen year old can meaningfully consent to having their body parts removed. do no. oh caleb whammer. another ghoul defending the indefensible had no answer.. go god bless matt walsh. d for doing that.
javolen taylor pulled an illega handgun with an extended magazine from his suex magazv. g santae, not wanting to getsh shot, put taylor in a headlock e .n taylor and that s one . h javon taylor handed the gune to his girlfriend and his girlfriend shot the unarmed fireman in the back, killing him. it was an execution. it s not a close call.ca the footage is online. we re not going to show ity to you because it s awful. but if you have any doubt, you n can watch it. d so there s no debate about. what happened here. ged yet the local social justice d.a., jean peternes baker, refused to press charges against the person who killed the firefighter. , th now, why?n well, there may have beenonent. a political component. we know that because online blm activists immediately ac ticelebrated the killing on racial grounds. javon taylor is blackgrou. anthony santae was white.h fo that was enough for them.them they re glad he s dead.ey now, conside re glr the second s station shooting. thi
palmview sing sit down and then shot him in the back the head. this footage is awful, but it s real. turn awa head.y if you don t wat to see it. here it is . se e so you don t get it on the road. with some stuff. maybe this one can go justt executed them. him so politicians can feel likegivg good and virtuous people by giving a second chance to felon s. nd by the way, felons do deserveino a second chance. not everyone in prison deserves to be there. but when you let peoplthere.e ou tholesale and don t keep track of them, just expect the best you re going to get. psychopaths, chris copeland, into the general population and they re going to execute store clerks. the last people deserve to be they r executed. they re working for like eight bucks an houe work$8r to u a lot of tickets. op meanwhilele tha, people whd themselves against criminals get the maximum possible e lesentence. d
pretense, don lemon is not, he n ashamed of being dumb or for that matter, ashamed oft fi anything else. when he got fired last year from his prime time gig for lown ratings and reassigned to mourning s, he told viewers it was a promotion and he seemed to mean it. so whatever else you say about mr. don lemon, he den is unflappable or so we assumed . it turns out there is , ine fact, one thing that bothers don lemon, and that s not being the prettiest person on the set that drives him insane.that d so possibly as a kind of torture kind of punishment, saelens new presidentt chris licht paired don lemonh tu with too much younger, much more attractive co-hosts caitlin collins and poppy harlow.an colli and the normally steely began don lemon begin to melt down before our very eyes the other day, for example, after kaitlyn collins interviewed a republican member ofiewe congress, don lemon launched intod r an attack on republicas that wasn t actually an attack on republicans, but a not so v
so you can you can defeat them in an argument simply by tryingm to trying to get them to state their premise. they can t even statr e their premise. i mean, this is caleb hemerds cn does believe that 16 year olds can consent to having bodyut l parts removed, but he can t say that out loud because he knows how crazy it sounds. and so instead, he just fall. silent. you look at someon e like john clements, looks like sort of a normal person. maybe he has kids. he s in favor of cutting the off girls. i mean, how could i mean, how could anybody get to a place where that s okay? i think, you know, i can t ct see inside their minds, bu stn i i have to imagine most of these people know at some level thatgu it s wrong. but they re just ideologically beholden to it. and again, is why they don t it. even attempt to defend ithy and said instead, we get this a credentialism thing going on as if i need credentials to know that abusing children is wrong. will is a harvard trained physician. i