limit the questions, limit the scope of questions to things that are prepresidency. so that would probably take obstruction off the table. they don t want any questions on obstruction. they say the president is willing to sit down for a limited interview, perhaps a couple of hours with a limited set of questions. but then he can answer additional questions perhaps in a take home test version, the written test version. we don t though whether the special counsel will accept that. as a matter of fact, what we were told, the special counsel s office has indicated that they re not inclined to accept such a request. one of the things the president s lawyer are asking for is there be an audio version or tape of this interview, if it does happen, and that way there would be no dispute over what the president says, john. i think an audio version would be just fine for everybody, especially it s part of the public record. evan, in the context of all these tweet attacks on the