afghanistan and now they are in places like fairfax. yes. we saw this come always we ve seen it at the border where you ve got individuals trying to teach english, teaching people who haven t held a writing instrument, for himself, central america service bulk of individuals from totalitarian societies who know nothing, don t necessarily know the language and are in this environment very vulnerable vulnerable individuals who can be great americans if they make it through but they are going to be condemned because of dynamic we see where they targeted american kids these kids coming over, these young people are looking at them like the next meal, the teachers unions, this is why the 70, need to keep them
fairfax. yes, we saw this at the border even. you have individuals and people are trying to teach english. teaching people who never held a writing instrument from south and central america. we have this bulk of individuals who know nothing. don t know the language and are in this environment. these are vulnerable individuals who can be great americans if they make it through. they will be condemned because they targeted american kids. these kids coming over, they are looking at them like the next meal. the teacher unions and the left. this is why this is happening. they need to keep them ignorant and vulnerable. all of us have to care about this. regardless of your position on immigration.
Parkersburg, W. VA. (PRWEB) October 27, 2021 Partner with Woodcraft this Veterans Day to honor active duty military personnel and those in rehabilitation
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Dear stakeholders, this “Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Shanghai
M&G Stationery Inc. for the Year of 2020” (CSR report) is the third of its kind issued
to the public by M&G Stationery. This report aims to truthfully present the CSR
development and practice of the Company and reveal to our shareholders, employees,
government agencies, customers and consumers, partners, local communities and other
stakeholders of the Company’s CSR activities.