Streaming at k c m j dot org And now broadcasting from the top of star gazers theater and of them center on 93.9 f.m. You re listening to k.c. M j LP Colorado Springs this is what community sounds like. Ok we re dealing and you re listening to k c m j l p Colorado Springs. Welcome to Radio Curious I m very vocal our guest in this edition of Radio Curious is Anthony Adams Esquire currently among other things a deputy public defender in Mendocino County California he s also a poet formerly he was a California parole commissioner and also served in the California state assembly at a meeting of the Mendocino County Bar Association in June of 2018 Adams was cited some of his own poetry and shared his stories about his work as a pool commission. I then decided to invite him to be a guest on radio curious so we could learn about his life. Anthony Adams visited the studios of Radio Curious on August 23rd 2018 in described himself as an interesting fellow a deeply romantic person. In the cours
His Department s inspector general is investigating the tactics of the d.o.j. And f.b.i. Investigators on the heels of today s meeting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell talked to n.p.r. About where he stands on both probes the 2 investigations going on that I think. Of the question for you. To go to the Justice Department and the more investigation I support both of them. I don t really have anything to add to the subject. Of a briefing that we had today which was classified Senate majority leader speaking to n.p.r. More of that interview in today s All Things Considered China and Japan are condemning the administration s decision to launch an investigation into whether tariffs are needed on imported vehicles and auto parts into the u.s. Here s N.P.R. s Rob Schmitz China s Commerce Ministry said Beijing would firmly defend its rights and interests against what it called the Trump administration s abuse of national security provisions in trade Japan s minister of Economy Trade and
Who are here today as well as by those who are not. They will live on through those who love them through those who continue to keep their memory alive with the deeds and actions and around the country people observe the minute silence including in the House of Commons we will all stand to observe a one minute silence to remember all those affected by the terror attack in Manchester a year ago today. You know the news this afternoon a former Suffolk County Councillor accused of murdering his wife is due in court the south after noon Stephen Searle who s $64.00 and from Stowmarket was charged at the start of the year after 62 year old and was found on responses at their home Mr is a former Marine who also stood as a Ukip candidate in the general election last year the Ministry of Defense has said it remains committed to providing troops and veterans with the care they deserve it s after the inquest into the death of Christopher butcher son of former Ipswich Town an England player Terry
They can trigger it if it results within half a percentage point Jones as they had by one and a half percent Jones win means Republicans will have just a one seat majority in the Senate 51 to 49 top aides say House and Senate Republican leaders have fortune agreement on a sweeping overhaul of the nation s tax laws most of whose benefits flow to the wealthy and corporations the reported agreement paves the way for final votes next week in both chambers Republican leaders want to jam through their tax cutting legislation while lame duck Senator looser strange of Alabama remains in the Senate Senate Democratic minority leader Chuck Schumer today called on Republican leaders to delay a vote until after Doug Jones is seated the Senate Democrats are calling on Nish McConnell to hit pause on his tax bill and not hold a final. Until Judge Jones is sworn into the Senate the governor didn t appoint him he won an election would be wrong for Senate Republicans to jam through this tax bill withou
Mending the Senate for passing its version of a sweeping tax overhaul the $1.00 trillion dollar measure was approved overnight along a $51.00 to $49.00 party line vote Democrats say they were given enough time to study the bill before being asked to take action but Majority Leader Mitch McConnell disputes that Germany has going to turn all of the multiple hearings markups over an amendment process everybody had plenty of opportunity to see the measure you complain about process. When you re losing and that s what you heard on the floor tonight who overhauls still has hurdles to clear differences must be worked out with the version the House passed last month before it can be sent to President Trump s desk Pope Francis says wrapped up his age a visit in Bangladesh right now he s on a flight back to Rome and took off several hours ago following an emotional beating was 16 rowing to refugees who fled from being Mar N.P.R. s Sylvia Poggioli reports that the pope pleaded with persecuted mi