Depression. Joblessness would peek above 10 by the president s first october in office. The economy had shed more than two and a half million jobs the prior year and our national gdp in fact decreased the final quarter prior to his election. Household debt was at a near record high in the foreclosure crisis and mortgage meltdown meant American Families were watching their hardearned wealth evaporate. The situation was so dire it led the is a tier yal newspaper the onion to quote, black man given nations worst job. This financial crisis set not on the agenda of the obama administration, but the tone. For the past six years, the president has tempered his public remarks about the economy by acknowledging there was still work to do barriers to be overcome before we could begin to truly see the economic crisis in our collective rearview mirror. Maybe its because weve grown accustomed to his measure tone the the president sounded so different during tuesday nights state of the union address
The neglect of Palestine’s humanitarian crisis and the continuity of Israeli apartheid in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, and the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, has never been more urgent. The inability to address the racist and classist policies of repressive states is only adding fodder to reactive extremism and eroding ideological diversity in anti-imperialist resistance.
The first residencies at Jampolis Cottage are expected to be offered in the summer of 2023 after repairs and accessibility updates are completed, the federation said in a release.