[ reading ] i know the book is hard to get in afghanistan, brad. so i am sending you a signed copy. be careful. stay safe over there. pinhead and patriots tv edition. president bush is angry that wrapper kenye west called him a racist after hurricane katrina. now mr. west seems contrite. i would tell george bush in my moment of frustration, i didn t have the grounds to call him a racist. but i believe in a situation of high emotion like that, we as human beings, don t always choose the right words. took him a long time to admit that. but is kenye west a patriot for finally say what he said or does he remain a pinhead? vote on billoreilly.com. last night, we told you about arnold schwarzenegger saying it is no big deal to smoke pot. 77% say the governator is a pinhead for that opinion.
[ reading ] i know the book is hard to get in afghanistan, brad. so i am sending you a signed copy. be careful. stay safe over there. pinhead and patriots tv edition. president bush is angry that wrapper kenye west called him a racist after hurrine katrina. now mr. west seems contrite. i would tell george bush in my moment of frustration, i didn t have the grounds to call him a racist. but i believe in a situation of high emotion like that, we as human beings, don t always choose the right words. took him a long time to admit that. but is kenye west a patriot for finally say what he said or does he remain a pinhead? vote on billoreilly.com. last night, we told you about arnold schwarzenegger saying it is no big deal to smoke pot. 77% say the governator is a pinhead for that opinion.
[ reading ] i know the book is hard to get in afghanistan, brad. so i am sending you a signed copy. be careful. stay safe over there. pinhead and patriots tv edition. president bush is angry that wrapper kenye west called him a racist after hurricane katrina. now mr. west seems contrite. i would tell george bush in my moment of frustration, i didn t have the grounds to call him a racist. but i believe in a situation of high emotion like that, we as human beings, don t always choose the right words. took him a long time to admit that. but is kenye west a patriot for finally say what he said or does he remain a pinhead? vote on billoreilly.com. last night, we told you about arnold schwarzenegger saying it is no big deal to smoke pot. 77% say the governator is a