consistent, but it s always a a tough state, lead against his opponent. then we have incumbent indiana democratic senator joe donnelly now down to republican mike braun. a little complicated in indiana because there s a libertarian on the ticket and that wouldtt splt and siphon away votes mostly from the republican and help donnelly, so libertarian vote pretty much is a vote for chuck schumer and donnelly. meanwhile in florida, razor, razor-thin, close as it can be. rick scott, one of the most i effective governors in the c history of the state, bringing in over 2 million jobs in his term and he s in a very close race against democratic do-nothing senator schumer want to be incumbent bill nelson and let s not forget about this all important race in arizona. american hero republican martha mcsally, a vet, 28 years, six tours of duty in iraq and afghanistan. her opponent kristen sinema, a radical disgrace for decades, even trashing the people of arizona, calling them crazy,