right now the gop is probably going to net eight assets depending upon the size of this wave. jon: because harry reid is apparently in some trouble in las vegas. we ll see what the actual results are on election day. here s a question for you bob. i hope you can answer this. a woman, julie in las vegas writes my husband and i voted on saturday afternoon, early voting, obviously, that evening, we received a call asking how we voted. is it legal for the board of elections to give out such information to political parties? i m guessing this wasn t a political party that was asking, it was probably a pollster, wouldn t you say, bob? probably, yes. i mean, we re in this season, a lot of strange things happen and also a lot of things there s a lot of rumors and speculation about stories that happened and i heard a story about a campaign operative paying homeless people to go into wealthy neighborhoods to make the case for a candidate in hopes that the wealthy voters would vote the other
they re running my ad. they re putting me in one of their ads even though i m just quoting from the chicago tribune. i say according to the chicago tribune, they cut that part out and then they used my face and my voice to say that i m trashing their candidate. do you think that s fair? our lawyers hate this. how many movies you have been in now? you can add this to your do you think that it s right for a candidate to use a broadcast, like yourself in an ad even hope to you didn t take a position on the candidacy? if they do it accurately and truthfully i think it s fine. that s not case here. okay then it s improper but what s the difference if they something out of your program like they use editorials at this time of the year? fine, but what i don t like is when take something out. i said according to chicago tribune they took that out. yeah, welcome to politics. go ahead and fight the chicago tribune , buddy. don t read the blogs, chris. no my brother j
you have him trailing by three points. incredible phenomenon and overcompensation by the popular governor, wouldn t you say, who shows a picture of him and george bush? the other thing that s really funny is the republicans are running an ad that basically talks about what a good governor he is and let s keep him there and not send him to washington. i know. that s interesting. let s go to washington state where patty murray has a three point lead over dino rossi and they debated the other way. what does rossi have to do to get back on top? it s been seesawing. at first, rossi was very strong and overtook murray. then murray hit a bunch of negative ads and rossi dropped. rossi replayed and surged ahead. and now he s running ahead on abortion and said he voted on contraception which he didn t. rossi really has to answer those charges because on the main fundamental issues on the state
well, this is what i was going to say. it s almost absurd that we re taking it so seriously because i think as much as his ego gratification is served by this whole exercise, the truth is, he s probably not going to run, as he says. and he probably does want to be president because he s got an outside ego. and right now in our celebrity culture, you ve got this split between republicans who are celebrities like palin, glenn beck, rush limbaugh, and then sort of big-tent rank-and-file republicans who would no sooner elect donald trump than you or me. but wouldn t you say is it donald is it, jennifer, necessary criteria to run for president to have an outsized ego? i think it is. i ll be totally honest. yes. gone are the days when j.c. watts used to be recruited to run for president. people with normal egos. you are so kind. j.c. is getting a compliment here. you know, it s going to be
and i think even for our top leaders, certainly, but showing up to 9/11, i don t think it s required. especially with everything that s going on in the world today. yeah. iraq. and professor here, chris brought up the fact that the president has injected himself into the mosque issue which is two blocks away. and that would be, you know, as they would say in washington, that would be a very unfortunate optic on that particular day. optic. a bunch of signs. won t be good optics on that particular day. and probably, if he were to show up, his instinct would be to give us a lecture on the first amendment and religious freedom and that probably would send yet another bad message. all right, we ll have to end it there for today. excellent panel wouldn t you say, folks? thank you very much for joining us live. thank you. all right. if you have ok, this is not a confession. but maybe once or twice, i ve felt a little awkward out on the dance floor if i haven t been drink