i ve had enough of it. welcome back to the ed show. with the sequester deadline looming, speaker john boehner is refusing to accept new revenue to avoid spending cuts. well, republicans, you see, they just want to trade cuts for cuts. here is a chart of the spending cuts the democrats and republicans agreed to during the 2011 debt ceiling disaster, and it is $1.7 trillion in cuts. there is not a dime of new revenue there. here is the chart when you add the $737 billion in new revenue agreed to during the fiscal cliff deal. republicans are winning the battle, wouldn t you say, when it comes to balancing? over two-thirds of deficit reduction has come from cuts to domestic programs, and it s not exactly fair. but now the house progressive caucus has come out with what they call the balancing act. it s a common-sense plan to reduce the deficit by closing tax loopholes and cutting wasteful defense spending. here is the chart of the plan. there is $1.7 trillion in new revenue. the $1.7 t
you heard what they talked about. back with the panel. they look 2016 front runners, wouldn t you say, steve? yeah, i would say that is true. if you are a small government conservative in the wilderness for a year when all of these conservatives opted not to run for president, conservatives that movement conservatives who did run the republican nomination, didn t do well. you lost on november 6 a month ago today. you had to deal with the bad republican hand on the fiscal cliff now for better part of a month. this is something to look forward to. that you have two republicans leading the party of this stature and capability. who are movement conservatives in the sense they re both intellectuals. to get these issues viscerally this is something to put you in a good mood. bret: rubio talked about the middle class. ryan talked about lifting
staten island cannot do anything for a top level bureaucrat, but another top level bureaucrat can. and i completely agree there s just a fundamental mismatch between a bureaucracy and a natural disaster. but i think maybe charlie and gerri give too much credit to state and local agencies and they re not supermen and superwomen either. i don t know what the solution is. and wouldn t you say but, obviously, obviously, plugging in giant cashes i would trust chris christie over these clowns. or the local or county sheriff. and some federal control an oversight from the state, but let the states handle it, chris christie is much more adept at handling the problem than anybody in washington. so the jury is still out. and i m saying this, this is a point i want to raise with you, adam lashinsky, the knee
appearance that george bush made after he was re-elected in 2004. watch this. i gained political capital and now i intend to spend it. it s my style. it s what happened after the 2000 election. there is capital in this election and i m going to spend it. a little different than attitude and demeanor, wouldn t you say, e.j.? it is quite different and president obama ended up spending his capital on exotic instruments and privatizing security and it didn t work out so well. again, that s where i think the difference is. obama wasn t claiming a big mandate. he was just saying, we had a big argument on this particular thing and also said something else today that i thought was important. washington is obsessed with the deficit but the deficit wasn t the first issue that he talked about. the first issue he talked about was creating jobs and the programs that he wants to push through for job training and
i did not evaluate joe biden, but if someone said to me listen we want you to do what s really required to know what happened there, you have to put dementia on the differential diagnosis. you have to say bizarre laughter, interrupting, if this were your dad or your grandfather, wouldn t you say, you brought him to me, keith, you ve got to tell me is he suffering with dementia, he can t seem to listen and laughing inappropriate. alisyn: here is how that doesn t ring true to me. people with dementia, he was rattling off. dave: the substance was solid. alisyn: it was faster and it wasn t all accurate, but he had a command of his conversation. see, that s the way he sees the issues. i m not diagnosing him, and haven t evaluated him psychological testing anybody s guess what it would show. not knowing every fact isn t required to diagnosed dementia and not saying he has it, i m