supplies by raising money from the community and private philanthropists. but that $45 million that you withheld, the schools could have opened on time this year without a last-minute $50 million loan taken out by the city s mayor. now, the district can rehire 400 teachers, guidance counselors and other staff members, music, education, and sports will be restored. and fewer students will be packed into classrooms with tiers from different grades. the state of philly s public schools will become slightly less dire, but it could have happened months ago. but for what? you said you wouldn t release the funds until the teachers union agreed to $103 million in concessions. and they still have it. so you hurt some of the most vulnerable in your state and got nothing out of it. does that sound familiar? are you following the congressional republican model of governance? you saw how that turned out. right? i mean, you should know from experience because your approval rate rgs worse than the