i think of him as someone who trashede nato, publicly flirti withpu people like north korea kim jong-un. and saudi arabia, the killer of an american journalist. flaunt all of the rules as us thinking of ourselves as good guys and we hung out with other good guys and we fought bad guys. it s like trump has jumped the tracks and he s just joining the other side.tr i think he has no sense or knowledge of history, the constitution, law, system of checks and balances but more ominously, he doesn t care. he only cares about himself. when did you come to that conclusion this is a show up, showing off? pretty early on.ow i was skeptical he was going to rise to the occasion.
prosecutor, robert mueller. he s being charged and sentenced for something that wasn t really about bank fraud. it s about his association with donald trump. that s my thinking from the outside. what do you know? reporter: i completely agree. it was clear before manafort s trial when judge ellis basicalle said as much in comments in pretrial hearings and the only reason he thought paul manafort was in the court room is because he went to work for trump. he said you don t care about the bank fraud and tax fraud. nevertheless, a four year sentence is a shocker because it is soca much lower than guidelis of 19 to 24 and a half years. there were predictions of 12 years. i didn t hear a single prediction of four years.ea
lifting sanctions. how much does he have to say just check in to me? we know robert mueller believes roger stone communicated information about the hacked emails to donald trump. i do think it s not enough for trump to just know about that. but if he was involved in any way with how they re deployed, then he s a co conspiracy. i think the next step will be donald trump jr. if there is justice in america. mueller has indicted michael cohen and roger stone for lying to congress.ro donald trump jr. told those same lies. what this verdict today means is we re not guaranteed equal justice under the law.no if mueller wants to prove that s noto true, he needs let everyby
peace plan that could lead to the lifting of sanctions impose fwhied u.s. and european union. while manafort is running the campaign for donald trump, and this is important, while russia is attacking the election to help donald trump, he s sitting down with a russian intermediary and talking about a plan that could help russia get rid of the sanctions. if they re not stating this out quid pro quo directly, it sure raises the possibility that that s what they re all thinking about and it s a pity in the mueller filings that we don t have more details on this and i m sure hoping that inmueller doesn t get to the bottom of this withhe any report that ada schiff and others in congress will tell us what went on and whether there was a grand deal between the trump campaign and
joining me is investigative reporter. you caught it. he didn t collude with any russian government official. and submitted by his own attorneys and robert mueller s team, paul manafort appears to have collude would a former business partner who the fbi says was an associate of russian intelligence and the meeting was happening because of what a russian oligarch named deripaska was and a quid pro quo between the trump campaign and the russian government. so, yes, nothing we ve seen has him talking to a russian government official. notice he didn t say there was no colluding with any russian interests. he did not say that. why?