in some sort of realm of thinking. sure. well, i ve laid it all out, and this is the negotiating process. it s democracy, and the ball is in harry reid s court right now. i have funded the government. i have prepared to keep government open, to keep our soldiers paid, to provide medicare, social security, et cetera. right now, the ball is in it s not a done deal yet, though. it s not a done that s the house s version of it. everyone knows the senate wouldn t go for defunding health care. we know the president wouldn t. so to present a realistic scenario a realistic scenario is what, i think, the american want people to happen here. fredricka, though, let s look at senator pryor in arkansas, landrieu in louisiana. democrat senators in red states. we have sent this bill there. and i think it s still possible that there may be democrats who do vote for this. look, maybe i m the eternal optimist, but this is how things are done. democracy might not be pretty. but it s how we ge