unions yesterday in governor cuomo s open letter, you had the building trade supporting it they were going to build construction with union jobs and the tech industry is not known for unionizing its tech employee s this is not an industry where the employees want to be. neil: and change the way other businesses who might want to look at setting up shop here. i think not so now. this type of diplomacy where we can basically hang sticks and carrots in front of businesses at the threat of some obscure political board just eliminating their deal, this is not an environment where businesses will want to come and if this continues the way it is if governor cuomo continues running the state the way he does we can expect more businesses to pull out. neil: well god bless him he did try to get them here and he s trying again but again to your point it s an up hill battle joe borelli, thank you very very much we should say new york also lost better than $2 billion in revenue prior to this getti
same time and cost a lot of jobs yeah, we tend to give aoc too much credit but here we certainly shouldn t. if you look at the short history of this deal you had local officials actually writing to amazon saying please come here, we want your job. a few months later those same people were saying that amazon is an immoral company. the only thing between point a and point b, was point c, cortez. she came out, she came out against it and she made those politicians scared. she s making list in washington amongst her freshman house colleagues she s making list here in new york amongst people who previously thought themselves to be progressives. neil: well i don t know the story or the timeline for the council men and women, there were three, who were not keen on this, and then amazon said oh, the hell with it but i do notice that common in their argument early on because i talked to one of the council men opposed was that these were not union jobs so when i asked him at the time, so you w