Christmas s is. Well, its Aboutut The Best E Ofof the wholele year. [tom] nono matter whwhen they e plplace, moderern era or p p, Christstmas Movieses and televen specials a are always s about someone e who has Lolost Theieir faith inin humankind, reregaining itit, saved byy other Pepeople Beingng kind because itits christmtmas. [chrhris] christmas s is the lanandsce that e everybody w wants to p. Eveveryone whoho tells Stots Isis Attracteded to the e Heighteneded Emotionss that it t brings. [aisha] Noststalgia Playays such a a huge partrt in Christss Bebecause it i is part of fo many peoples s childhoodsds. And bebeing able t to go back d relilive those f feelings evever by Watatching Holiliday moviess justst. Joy. [phil]l] a christmtmas story is one of f the best m movies at nostalgia,a, family anand chris. J jingle belllls, jingle e be, jingle a all the Wayay A Christmamas Story , i wawatch it evevery year at leaeast twice. Its. Lik, the e script of f my life. Can we e go now . Caca
[mususic] [c[christmas m music] christmas s is. Well, its Aboutut The Best E Ofof the wholele year. [tom] nono matter whwhen they e plplace, moderern era or p p, Christstmas Movieses and televen specials a are always s about someone e who has Lolost Theieir faith inin humankind, reregaining itit, saved byy other Pepeople Beingng kind because itits christmtmas. [chrhris] christmas s is the lanandsce that e everybody w wants to p. Eveveryone whoho tells Stots Isis Attracteded to the e Heighteneded Emotionss that it t brings. [aisisha] Noststalgia Playas such a a huge partrt in Christss Bebecause it i is part of fo manyny peoples s childhoods. And bebeing able t to go back d relilive those f feelings evever by Watatching Holiliday moviess justst. Joy. [phil]l] a christmtmas story is one of f the best m movies at nostalgia,a, family anand chris. J jingle belllls, jingle e be, jingle a all the Wayay A Christmamas Story , i wawatch it evevery year at leaeast twice. Its. Lik, the e script of
[dramatic orchestral music] [gunshots]s] - as farar back as i coululd rememberer, i alalways wanteted toto be a gangngster. - g goodfellalas is likek, f fasten yourur seatbeltst. i m gonna kick the shit out of you for 2 1/2 hours, and d you re gononna love it [glass shahatters] [laughghter] - therere have beeeen soso many gangngster movieis and soso many mob b movies. is it t really posossible that in 191990 martin n scorse will be abable to makeke a gangr movie e that has s something t y thatat hasn t alalready beenen d a millioion times? - itit s gonna b be a good s s. [laughghter] - - and you wawatch the momo, anand you re l like, yeaha - ththank you, s sir. - - all right,t, see you l la. thanks.. - - what are y you doing?? you re l leaving youour car? - he watchches the carar for . - we t tried to cacapture the exububerance of f that w. it s s dangerousus and ththreatening,g, but theyey re havingng a wondnderful timeme. - henrnry, this isis with mrmr. tony ovev
- so let s get rolling. - oh, my god. - what hurts? - yeah! - aww! - [laughs] [upbeat rock music] both: i took a walk through this beautiful world felt the cool rain on my shoulder found something good in this beautiful world i felt the rain getting colder - la, la - sha la, la, la, la sha la, la, la, la - sha la, la, la - sha la, la, la, la sha la, la, la, la, la - what if we just get dino s, and go to edgefield, and then go to robert s? - i d say dino s. - the only thing is edgefield closes at midnight. - you gotta see have you been to robert s? . what if i get a good edge, go to roberts. i m not trying to. you re going to see that. that s the starter and that s it. so, the hotel. what do i know? [ [laughter]] . time e out. stopop. stop. stop. y you ve nevever hung in nashvilllle? no. > you re e going to h have time. . i havave no dououbt. [laughterer] . n nashville, , if youou ha been there, , you p probably k i
mckay: this is happening now, if you can possibly believe that. the terrorists are saying theyey ll blow up p the schoo, killing all the children inside. the german police haveve been wawaging a relelentless wawr against the terrorists, capturing some, killing some. man: the british army are the terrorists. francis: no one, even the most powerful, has immunity from these urban guerillas. brinkley: there are 298 people held hostage. those people, they have good ideals, they re just going about them the wrong way. we are ready to go on until martyrdom. mckay: the communiqué ended with the appeal,l, revolutionaries of the world, unite. [ indiststinct shoututing ] [ sirens wail ] terrorist attacks, especially where hostages are taken, have become increasingly common. there have been bombings, shootings, and strikes in northern ireland. arab guerillas fired at an israeli school bus near the lebanese border. the 1970s saw the development of the terrorist repertoire. cronkikite: