these were the guys in charge of the ratings. these were the guys who were supposed to be labeling the poopbag financials as such. eventually that system of selling worthless junk for tons of money stopped working and the economy fell apart. so duh, yeah, these guys should be in the dock, big-time. but also not just duh, but wow. look at the date here. it s today? these guys aren t in jail or something already? nobody has sued them before now? we still have not handled that problem? should we be encouraged by the fact that they seem to be trouble now or should we be very, very worried that it took this long? joining news is former new york governor and new york attorney general eliot spitzer. he earned the nickname the sheriff of wall street while he was in office. governor, it s great to have you here. thank you for inviting me back. have a layman s understanding of the meltdown. you have a much more advanced understanding. did i explain any of that wrong? and what is the signific
manhattan make money off of it, this is the one thing all of cuss grasp about what went wrong when our economy was destroyed in a way that we have still not recovered from. that s one thing about the meltdown that everybody gets, right? which makes this headline today both a wow moment and a duh moment. u.s. sues s&p over pre-crisis mortgage rating. the government alleging that standard & poor s rating agency knowingly inflated its ratings on risky mortgage investments, giving high marks to mortgage-backed securities because it wanted to earn more business from the banks that issued these poop bag investments. oh, poop bag isn t in the quote. sorry. i added that. so that s a duh, right? these guys clearly should be busted. these were the guys in charge of the ratings. these were the guys who were supposed to be labeling the poop bag financials as such. eventually that system of selling worthless junk for tons of money stopped working and the
customers. police say they re con artists, claiming they want to sell gold. it was 445 grams of gold. that s a lot of gold. watch closely as the man on the right distraction the clerk, the other guy switches the bag. the new bag contains identical looking items, but a simple test revealed bubbling with green foam. foam. so it s not real. reporter: the store got taken paying $11,000 for worthless junk. these days, stores do more business buying gold than selling it. because real gold melted down is worth real money. thieves know that, too. as the price of gold has spiked, so has the crime rate surrounding it. from smash-and-grab robberies to more elaborate heists. last month a woman brandishing a handgun allegedly stole more than $10,000 worth of gold coins from a coin shop in van nuys, california. this footage from brighton, new york, outside buffalo earlier this summer where a group of four men entered a gold-for-cash store, leapt over the counter
understand what value they brought and what they can bring for their new employer and translate that for them. alan, stay with me, you can simply not fight the job wars without acknowledging one of the biggest elephants in the room, that is our failure to deal with the true barrier to job creation in this country, a destructive economic relationship with china. let s break it down. think about our relationship with china like a bad marriage, except in this care instead of the kids, we are hurting nearly a quarter of the worlders a population. china, home to 1.3 billion people and growing. and guess what they have got to find something to do with all those people. and what better job than making a bunch of worthless junk for americans? but why would we do that to ourselves? here s where the plot takes a rather ugly turn. sadly there are plenty of folks right here in our own country who want to keep must this bad marriage. for one, the u.s. chamber of commerce, coca-cola, exxonmobil