in just a few hours demonstrators are planning to march in new york to shed light on a worsening type of sexual abuse. we re talking about revenge porn here. in case you re not familiar, the exact definition is when nonconsensual pornography is distributed online to shame, exploit or extort its victims. there are at least two high profile cases of revenge porn right now. the military investigating the sharing of sexually explicit images of female troops, and in texas an 18-year-old high school senior committed suicide. she was harassed online for months when intimate photos of her surfaced online twochlt people have been charged in that case. well, leah juliet, the organizer of the march against revenge porn later today is with us. she was a victim of revenge porn herself as a teenager. also sara o brien, cnn money reporter. leah, thank you so much to both of you for being here, but leah, i would like to start with you.