Chicago Southside artist Malika Jackson’s artwork exploring serenity, faith and hope is on display at the Evanston Arts Center this fall. “Whisper of a World Without Words,” curated by Evanston artist Fran Joy, is open at the center from Sept. 10 to Oct. 9. The exhibit uses stylized realism to portray the quiet strength of.
Here are some Album-a-Day projects which have been completed:
(The count so far is:
388 registered
Spastic Moose - Then Come The Chunks (not yet digitized) -
This one was recorded right before my bandmate Sophia and I split for
college in 1997. We didn t know it was an album-a-day at the time, but
it counts!
Tom 7 vs. Ultimate Warrior - Barmy Badger Backpackers (30
songs, 23:42) - This one was made by me and my roommate Don, and was
the first conscious Album-a-Day effort. Mostly pretty embarrassing, but
there are some gems, I think. (Scroll down and start with one of my