Former Union minister Arvind Netam said Rahul Gandhi, who was the Congress president during the 2018 assembly elections in Chhattisgarh, had repeatedly assured tribals of implementing PESA - Panchayat (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act - in the state but his government crippled the legislation with poor implementation.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Former Union minister and tribal leader Arvind Netam said on Thursday that he has resigned from the Congress as he was deeply disappointed by the way tribal leaders were neglected by the party. India News | Chhattisgarh: Former Union Minister Arvind Netam Says He Has Resigned from Congress.
Annually, on August 9th, the world observes World Tribal Day, dedicated to advocating for and safeguarding the rights of indigenous populations.It's a day to recognize their valuable contributions and accomplishments that have enhanced global living conditions.Also referred to as World Indigenous Day or International Day of World's Indigenous People, this occasion offers a prime
The rally will be held on the occasion of World Tribal Day and also mark the beginning of the party's campaign for the state assembly polls due later this year
The Calcutta High Court has allowed a plea filed by a functionary of the Bharatiya Janata Party (“BJP”) seeking permission to hold a rally and meeting on the 9th of August (today) at the Pingbone.