extremely impre55ive creature. now, once again, available for you to be able to come and see. herd5 of diplodocus roamed the earth 150 million years ago. they were among the biggest animals on the planet. herbivorous plant eating their size and appetite meant they could clear forests. the original skeleton was discovered in the united states by railway workers in 1899. dippy is a replica made up of casts of the 292 diplodocus bones to form the huge skeleton that first 5tood in london s natural history museum in 1905. six years ago, it set off on a tour around the uk, and was seen by two million visitors. people keen if not to walk with dinosaurs, then at least to stand be5ide and beneath one marvelling at its scale, and imagining a world tens of millions of years ago.
of dollars. the senator and his staff, apparently medwith medicare officials to try to get some of the rules changed that could possibly benefit that eye doctor. there s another allegation he tried to help this eye doctor secure a port security deal to screen cargo coming in from the dominican republic. that deal could have been world tens of millions of dollars for the doctor. so the question is is there a quid quo pro? did the senator accept gifts and campaign contributions from the doctor, and in exchange did he officially use his office to try to benefit the eye doctor. that is what the grand jury sitting in new jersey right now is weighing. we are told from investigators, that they plan to move forward with criminal charges, within weeks charges could come sometime this month. again, nothing is done until the grand jury acts. it sounds like the makings or the beginnings of the defense here that menendez would offer if charges are filed, if this