Witch Hazels spidery blooms are another welcome sight in winter. Helen Chesnut
Pink Dawn viburnum flower clusters are often found encrusted with ice or snow in Februarys unpredictable weather. Helen Chesnut
This seed-grown Pink Silk rock rose (Cistus) is a low, compact, dense bush with frilly-edged pink flowers. Helen Chesnut
Lady Di is a superb runner bean, tender and sweet. Helen Chesnut Since all my socializing for months has been outdoors, much of it occurs in the garden. One friend in particular has been generous in coming to garden with me once every week through most of the mild fall and winter, at least until last week, when a surprise period of freezing weather arrived, crusting over the soil and causing a large front garden patch of blue borage and orange calendula to collapse in a sad heap.
Dear Helen: I have a large potted poinsettia. Can I plant it outdoors in a sheltered area? I’ve seen hedges of these plants on Maui. A.S. Poinsettias are not hardy outdoors in our climate, but . . .