that there was some folks that needed some help and another person got what they needed out of the medical kit and took care of the problem because he was too intoxicated to handle the problem, belittling the people below him, screaming, hollering. i think if these accusations are found to be true, i think it puts him in a world of hurt. not only is he still the president s pick, despite the headlines, the administration is mounting a full defense on his behalf. we think he deserves his chance in a fair hearing. there s a process within the department of defense for active military people to bring those concerns as to why they would bring allegations to the ranking member of the veteran affairs committee if it wasn t politically motivated. certainly he s a very highly qualified, highly respected person in the military and in the medical community. and that s something that we strongly feel that veterans need and the v.a. needs. defense jackson will need if he still wants to lea
the wisconsin first district was more competitive than the pennsylvania 18th that democrats won last month. number two, the bigger problem for republicans here is paul ryan was a fundraising force and now that he is a lame duck speaker after the 10:00 hour when he makes this announcement republicans are going to be in a world of hurt. they won t be able to raise the money they need to maintain the seats to win the house of representatives. that s the bigger problems republicans will face as they go into a very tough mid-term election cycle. bill: we have seven months to chew on that and you ll help us along the way. another big topic right now. the president is tweeting about syria earlier today. a strong message to vladimir putin and russia as well buried in that message. brad, you ve got the drumbeat of war happening and we don t know when it takes place. however, there is an ongoing debate. do you wait until you get the support of france and britain on your side?
he s been scrupulously truthful, i think he s put himself into a world of hurt. michael avanatti, there s an old saying, you could have been anywhere in the world tonight, and you re here, we appreciate it given all the news. thank you, sir. donald trump talking about a way to get attorney general jeff sessions out and maybe put in embattled epa chief scott pruitt. also more fallout on the stormy daniels case and the legal implications. i have it all for you tonight.
we re going to wait for the president or mr. cohen to file their motion to compel arbitration, and we ll immediately refile our motion. again, wolf, based on the language of the order that came down today, they are in a world of hurt. they are not in a good place. we told them what the law was before we filed the motion. they didn t seem to understand it. maybe they re going to understand it now, but i think we re going to get the discovery that we ve asked for and i think we re going to get the trial we ve asked for, and i think the court s order indicates that based on the citation to the law that we initially provided in our papers. so you see this federal judge s order as a temporary setback, but it s going take a few extra weeks to see what happens down the road. it s not going to be solved in the next 30 days. april 30 was the original date, right? it can still be resolved on that date because there is a notice period that has to be provided, and we re still within that per
we re following other breaking news on the attempt from stormy daniels attorney to depose president trump. a short time ago a judge denied that motion, but despite the setback, attorney michael avenatti remains confident about his chances in court. based on the language of the order that came down today, they re in a world of hurt. they are not in a good place. we told them what the law was before we filed the motion. they didn t seem to understand it. maybe they ll you understand it now, but i think we re going to get to the discovery we ve asked for and we re going to get the trial we asked for. back with me, jonathan lemire from the sorry. i talk too fast. white house reporter for the associated press. and danny cevallos, msnbc legal analyst. i don t need to read for that. i know your total. i m very proud of myself. michael avenatti, confident for a man who just lost something in