Amid Russia ongoing military operations in Ukraine, UNESCO on Thursday (local time) demanded that the Russian Federation immediately cease its use of force ag
Amid Russia s ongoing military operations in Ukraine, UNESCO on Thursday (local time) demanded that the Russian Federation immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine.
A virtual meeting was organised on 7 April 2021 to deliberate on the revision of the of Zambia’s World Heritage Tentative List. Zambia’s Tentative List was last updated over a decade ago in 2009 and has only 7 sites that are not fully representative of Zambia’s rich heritage. Participants noted that stakeholder mapping and engagement, including capacity building of relevant stakeholders and partners to ensure that all have the relevant basic information about the World Heritage Convention and Tentative Lists. The main output of the meeting was a recommendation that the State Party should consider the establishment of a technical team to elaborate a work plan for the revision process. The work plan will be shared with UNESCO and the Advisory Bodies (IUCN and ICOMOS) for their review and inputs.