that s the coastal elite problem, if you will. what i would say about this currents conversation, you know the idea that the democrats are going to outtrump trump in 20 is implausible not only for a specific reason. i can think of a single democrat in the field who can do the world federation wrestling thing the way donald trump does. i can think of anyone else on the planet who can do that as effectively as trump. you should not try to out trump trump. that s a recipe for total failure. the other thing to say in all this while a lot of people mike s right view president trump is practicing politics personal destruction, burning people down, there s a large swath of this country what s happening with judge kavanaugh and thinking the opposite. democrats are pragmatic the politics of personal destruction, burning a good man down. that s their view. that s absolutely true.
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this was getting, the whole country. you won t find out whether or not in an fbi investigation exactly what happened. we ll take a breather. they will investigate. there s a lot of breaks recently in the past couple of weeks, even as usmca, the new trade agreement. you know, the problem for me trump s bullying hard on nasty tactics, which we just saw another clip of it, sometimes work. and this gets you conflicted because i think this trade deal is a good thing. i think that it s going to succeed probably in the kavanaugh case. and so the fact it can work so well is a little disconcerting to me. you re saying in the case of trade where he pushed justin trudeau around. he bullied him. got the result he wanted and result you and others who wanted
up. doing this or that. some people like that. it s incredible ly naive. it s all show. no depth. he rebranded nafta with almost no change. it s the greatest thing in the world. worst thing in the world yesterday. this is circus. but if we want serious safety for the country, we have to move beyond circus. and one thing that s interesting, the circus seems to appeal to his base. no doubt about it. but the circus done play in the rest of the world. yesterday pew came out with its research findings. the u.s. view from abroad it s collapsing every where from the beginning of the 21st century to today, favorable views of the u.s. down 33% in canada. 24% in france. 48% in germany. 24% in italy. 33% in the uk. is this really safe?
how firm is this fbi deadline? is it set in cement? during the course of an investigation, you ask someone about judge kavanaugh s relationship with others and they say, well, i don t really know, but here are two or three people who do know. so that keeps the ball of string going. but how firm is the deadline? yeah. you keep going down rabbit holes, right? here is the thing. senator jeff flake specifically said he wanted this wrapped up on friday. there is not a lot of desire to extend this and drag it out in their view, so to speak. so i think there will be serious political pressure to have this finished by the end of this week. the fbi when you look at jim comey, for example, he said, say, seven days of professional investigators are about better