this crisis. over the past two, three, four years you ve changed your tone. and that s fine. because the world changed. this is the worst depression since the 30s. and the world can change again. welcome back to morning joe. mark halperin is still with us. joining us onset, mike barnicle. and economist dr. jeffrey sachs. wow. so did you watch the entire i did. the whole country stayed up late for this great macroeconomics boxing match. it was fascinating. what struck you? you heard your name mentioned in this. they certainly didn t end up agreeing on a lot. yeah, i think there is a little bit of a problem here to say that that doesn t matter, or it doesn t matter for the next ten years. the problem with debt is that when you run it up, you have to pay it back. even in what the congressional
a full hour. it was exhausting to watch. but in a good way. in a good way. it was really enlightening. still ahead, former governor jeb bush will be onset. boy, he made some news yesterday. real big news. also, economist jeffrey sachs, retired supreme court justice sandra day o connor. and the washington post eugene robinson. first, here s bill karins with a check on the forecast. well, we have this winter storm bearing down on chicago. shortly it ll move into the ohio valley and the east coast tomorrow. let me show you the latest totals for your area. right now the snow is flying from minneapolis to rochester, cedar rapids, the quad cities. it s not yet in chicago. i think you got another two hours before the snow begins there. as far as the snow today, during the daylight hours, full-fledged snowstorm for chicago, northern
tax dollars are well spent. that s an irresponsible position, in my view. you re the world famous economist, not me. isn t that a crude approach? isn t that reductionism? he didn t say that in his writings, did he, that all dollars are created equal? even in the great depression in the 30s, in 1937, he said, we reached the limit of what can be done just by general spending. if we want to do more, we have to target it. so the idea that you just put money out there wasn t even his idea. of course, anybody with the sense about the need for government services should care that they re done properly, that they re done carefully. also, what paul assumes it s a very kind of basic idea, but a very simplistic one, is that there s an automatic translation.
him only as jack the gripper. and john wayne embracey. jenna: ask permission first. jon: he apparently tricks them into hugs. they re trying to decide whether it s legal or not. jenna: if you don t have enough to worry about, there is that story. jon: there is that. jenna: well, then there s this. this is really no laughing matter. a world famous economist who forecast the financial crisis says next year could be worse than anything we ve seen. in fact nouriel roubini also known by the way as dr. doom, is predicting a economic storm of after economic problems. double-dip recession is rising, eurozone collapse is increasing and time and tools needed to fix our economy are simply running out of the his suggestion to you is batten down the hatches. is this true? joining us now, mark madsen, founder and yo of madsen money and author of main street money. there is his book.
time. next up, lots to talk about with our gps panel this week. from syria to egypt, iran to iraq, and of course asia. finally, why egypt went way retro this week, back to the age of the pharaohs. i ll explain. first, here s my take. you wouldn t have thought anti-americanism in pakistan could get any worse, but last week, nato attacked a pakistani army post, killing 24 pakistani soldiers. even before this episode for which nato expressed deep regret, you couldn t have found a country on the planet that was more anti-american than pakistan. in a pew survey this year, only 12% of pakistanis expressed a favorable view of the u.s. populist rage and official duplicity have built up even though washington has lavished islamabad with aid totaling $20 billion over the last decade. i think it s time to recognize that the united states pakistan policy is just not working. supporting islamabad has been premised on two arguments. the first is if we don t, the pakistani governme