Development Headed by Former Black Panther Leader Elaine Brown Special to the Post Everyone gathered last Friday morning at the groundbreaking at 7th and Campbell in West Oakland for the 100% affordable housing development there seemed to recognize the historic nature of the moment. Introduced by program host Regina Jackson, former president of the Oakland Police | Development Headed by Former Black Panther Leader Elaine Brown Special to the Post Everyone gathered last Friday morning at the groundbreaking at 7th and Campbell in West Oakland for the 100% affordable housing development there seemed to recognize the historic nature of the moment. Introduced by program host Regina Jackson, former president of the Oakland Police
District 7 Councilmember Treva Reid, who is a candidate for Oakland Mayor, said her campaign has received some major support with an endorsement under the ranked choice voting system from Assemblymember Mia Bonta for the November election. "I am grateful for Mia’s support, and I look forward to our continued work together to ensure Oakland is vibrant and | District 7 Councilmember Treva Reid, who is a candidate for Oakland Mayor, said her campaign has received some major support with an endorsement under the ranked choice voting system from Assemblymember Mia Bonta for the November election. "I am grateful for Mia’s support, and I look forward to our continued work together to ensure Oakland is vibrant and
Elaine Brown reveals how in 1974 she came to be the first and only woman to lead the Black Panther Party – and talks about revolution, resistance and activism today
Before this amazing time of Black History Month comes to a close, we must discuss the many women that have made influential changes in the Black community. As many of you may know, March celebrates International Women’s Month, recognizing women’s contributions to history, culture and society. In opening up the floor to celebrate women and […]