i m really happy to have you here, here s the transcript. i have the silver shirt weekly, is unofficial work of yours? congressman, this was sent out to the members of the silver shirt, and it was regarded as our official publication, is that correct? it might be interpreted that way. congressman, i find here on page for the following. i quote. the jews have the money, but the gentiles other numbers. no matter what measures towards repression may be taken, it will be a very fine thing that our, not to be a two. congressman, don t you think that a fair interpretation by the average citizen reading that would be that there is a threat of force to be applied against people of the jewish race in this country from some source. witness, yes. you admit that is a fair interpretation? witness, yes. congressman, you are the acknowledged leader of the silver shirts? witness, i am. and if the silver shirts had achieved their aim, would you have been in the man in charge
the character played a part of evil, in a children s holiday pageant. i don t, outplayed up guy, you don t look quite kooky enough. is another, american scene here testified in, congress just as pelley did. this guy was named george dawnridge. he had been a good bit of it was called the world conference of antisemites. and this american guy, was invited to germany to come speak of that congress. he came home for that congress in 1938, by 1939, he had some of his colleagues have planned a nationwide network of armed, 13 men cells, her meeting, training, amassing guns and ammunition, with the plan that they would all act simultaneously, right up to the 1940 election. to kill american jews. and to take over the u.s. government by force, and install a hitler style