TI 2020 report negates govt’s claim of old data
Top Story
January 29, 2021
ISLAMABAD: The PTI government claims that the data used by Transparency International (TI) for its 2020 global report on corruption is from the tenure of the PML-N government but even a cursory look at the report negates what the media czars of the regime are propagating.
According to the TI’s latest report, the following 13 data sources were used to construct the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2020:
1. African Development Bank Country Policy and Institutional Assessment 2018
2. Bertelsmann Stiftung Sustainable Governance Indicators 2020
3. Bertelsmann Stiftung Transformation Index 2020
4. Economist Intelligence Unit Country Risk Service 2020
TI 2020 report negates govt claim of old data
Top Story
January 29, 2021
ISLAMABAD: The PTI government claims that the data used by Transparency International (TI) for its 2020 global report on corruption is from the tenure of the PML-N government but even a cursory look at the report negates what the media czars of the regime are propagating. According to the TI’s latest report, the following 13 data sources were used to construct the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2020:
1. African Development Bank Country Policy and Institutional Assessment 2018
2. Bertelsmann Stiftung Sustainable Governance Indicators 2020
3. Bertelsmann Stiftung Transformation Index 2020
4. Economist Intelligence Unit Country Risk Service 2020
5. Freedom House Nations in Transit 2020