grown into something larger an more fruitful than we uppe match and. the velshi banned book club wa created in response to the targeting a removal of so many important books from libraries and school curricula across th country. according to p.e.n. america, and nonprofit organization the champions the freedom to rea and write in the united states from july 2021 to june 2022, there were 2532 instances of individual books been banned that s a shocking number what the figure doesn t make clear is the types of book that have been fans. as we begin to compile our own list of banned literature, or feature for you, with author from margaret atwood to a clear pattern emerged. it became apparent that th most frequently targeted boo shared at least one of the sam three topics sexuality or gender, and sexua identity, race, and bodily autonomy including sexual and physica violence we re moving books that deal with these three very real topics sends a clear message t readers that those
they have been presented wit is true. and one of those old people fo whom transactions stil matters. many thanks to margaret atwood, author of numerous book, including the award-winning, bookend mainsail she s come many times on the velshi book club the year end meeting at th velshi book club, works fiction, bad around the eyes, have th power to help you conquer your biggest fears, considering things you ve never once examines it even changes steadfas opinion. just ask - the bestselling contemporary author of $27, including the book that we featured on thi book called 19 minutes i think fiction is a really important tool a lot of people will tune ou the news i can t tell you how man people i ve talked to in the past week you ve said, i can t handle all the stuff about the shootings, and not watching th news this week fiction is supposed to be an escape, but if you write about